
 Our News

Dear Friends

Our Sacred Altar of the 12 Gods can not be and can not stay in the hands of the economical profits that the Railway Company oblige, the silence of media and the disinterest of the Ministry of "Culture". You have Historical but first of all Moral Duty to Defend the Altar with all your powers! It might was underground for years now, but never stopped to be Sacred for all the Hellenes that follows their Ethnic (Native) Religion. Now that it came back to the light, the Sacred Altar of the 12 Gods should have also YOU to it's defenders. Inform or update everyone about this matter. Inform that there are Hellenes that they fight for it and Unite your powers with us!
All Together We Can Succeed!

Call or e-mail Ministry of "Culture" +302131322100 e-mail
Railway Station (ISAP) +302103248311 - 17 e-mail

Give your Voice to this Movement that is getting wider day by day!
Thyrsos - Hellenes Ethnikoi


 From our Call for Solidarity throughout the Thinking People all over the World!
“Very recently during constructions on the railway network of Athens, a magnificent Treasure of the Hellenic History was discovered, a masterpiece of the Hellenic Culture, the Sacred Altar of the 12 Gods. Now this Treasure is in immediatedanger because of the lack of interest of the Hellenic State, because of the decision of the railway company to bury it as quick as possible. And also know that the Altar and its very site were the center of Athens in Ancient Years. The holiest spot of Athens. Where Hiketes (suppliants) would ask for Mercy! As archaeologists say, it is as important as the golden-elephantine statue of Goddess Athena! This Altar is not only an archaeological remain. It is also Sacred, especially to us, the followers of the Hellenic Ancient Religion. The total devastation of it, means that the Hellenic Culture has been mutilated by the ignorant and dangerous people who rule and they do not respect who they are, where they come from, and especially where they want to lead us, the Hellenes…”

Please help us to spread the news to all civilized people from all over the world, and to save
even the last minute the Cultural and Spiritual Treasure of our Ancient Heritage.
Your help is not just for the citizens but for Hellenism itself!
You can send your messages to the Railway company at this email:
And to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture in this email:

The first open spaced protest was taken place on Sunday 20 of February next to the spot of the Sacred Altar. More or less 150 persons were gathered after the call of the Organization “Thyrsos – Hellenes Ethnikoi” and Citizen’s Initiative.
We opened a protest banner and distributed announcements to the Citizens and the tourists who visited the archaeological area for more than 2 hours, without annoying the traffic to enter the gate.
On the days to follow, we shall continue to fight for the rescue of our Sacred Ancient Altar
of the 12 Gods!
Stand beside us, with us in Solidarity to this fight! Thanks to everyone in advance for your Help! You can send us your messages on our mail that you can find on our contact section.


The second issue of our free on line magazine "Ideon Antron" (Cave of Ideas) is on line. The
language is Hellenic, and through its pages there are articles that has to do with Ethnic values, History, Arts, and politics of nowadays. For further information about our magazine please
contact us on our e-mail that you can find on the contact page. 


Internet radio station “Hyperion”

Dear friends we welcoming you to the starting of the internet radio station of the organization Thyrsos – Hellenes Ethnikoi.
The program that we are preparing for broadcasting in the near future is going to be mainly on Hellenic language, but also there will be some broadcasting on English and possibly other language. Except music that has to do with the Ethnic Traditions and the Polytheistic view of the world, you will be able to hear radio broadcastings with issues that concern the Ethnic Traditions of countries from all over the world and also informations about the Hellenic Heritage and culture.
For the time being, our radio station broadcasts only music for the most of the hours of the day as our coefficients are getting prepared to be on air in the near future.
The complete program of Hyperion internet radio station will be
announced from our official webpage and from our blogspot.

We are welcoming you and we wish to enjoy your listening!


After the call of the organization Thyrsos Hellenes Ethnikoi, many friends from Hellas and also from all around the world, participated to the common celebration of Winter Solstice by lightening a fire or a flame creating in that way the Beacons of Solidarity among the people of the Old Faiths. We thank everybody that have participated and also those who wanted it, but they couldn't make it for various of reasons. We expect them next time.
Merry Yule to all, we wish you Health, Wisdom and Prosperity. May the Invincible Sun grand to us all his/her eternal light. Honor and Glory to the Gods!

Thyrsos - Hellenes Ethnikoi
2786 since the first Olympics


On Sunday 5/12/”2010” with the presence of selected friends, our organization “Thyrsos - Hellenes Ethnikoi”, celebrated and honored Great God Dionysus...



Our New Magazine is finally On-Line.

You can read one article in English -for the time- and in the future we will be publish some of the articles in pdf format in English language. 


Thyrsos Organization, by representers, took part to the ceremony and paid honor, in memory
of the fallen Heroes of the battle of Plateus in the annual gathering of the "Friends of Hellenic Heritage Company".
Photos can be found here, -text in English-


Thyrsos and RHB become brother Organizations


Thyrsos Hellenes Ethnikoi, celebrated Selene

Photos can be found here, -text in Hellenic-


Thyrsos Hellenes Ethnikoi, celebrated and honored the Warriors
of the Battle of Thermolylae.
Photos can be found here, -text in Hellenic-


 THYRSOS was officially formed in Spring "2010" after contacts and processes that took place among people who have been active in the Hellenic - centered field.
Thyrsos was formed under a common vision with the goal to research, study, promote, elevate and defend the Ancient Greek civilization in its every aspect, like Philosophy, Science, Worship, History, and spreading of the Greek Literature and Ideas.


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